Great Days Racing for Round 8 in NNN – Sunday 25th Jan 2015

Great days racing again in Navan today with a full house (27 drivers) and pitting at a premium as Gordon Stewart sure packed a lot onto that wee table. Thanks to all those who made the trip and hope all (especially Bradley) made it home safe and recover after “a hard day at the races”.

Enda O'Donnell's photo.

Weather held up and all systems were go until the last 2 minutes when we had to a minor system glitch that caught us all off guard! I know Greg Cunningham would have loved it to be rerun and had I not realised he’d crashed out after 5 minutes I might have given in to his pressure (ya chancer ya….:-) )

Well done to the new lad, young JJ McCartan (see his new buggy in action below) who had a great days racing with his new JQ 1:8 ebuggy and managed to leave with a complete buggy having suffered only a few broken parts all days (the joys of racing).

We’d like to wish Bradley Baird a fast recovery after a run in with some superglue ended his day and landed him in Navan Hospital where he was treated very well (from what I hear and wouldn’t expect any less) and returned to us repaired (but just too late for the finals – sorry Bradley!). I think the “Save Navan Hospital” campaign ( has gained a few more supporters today.

Next race day is 8th Feb – that’s Round 8 so get yourselves organised and let’s top today’s drivers figures. We will be missing a few lads who are travelling down to France to race Barkley Abernethy, Greg Cunningham and maybe a few more and Bradley heading to the USofA. Good luck to all the lads as they represent the hobby/sport and the country abroad.

Results will be posted in the next day or so – well done to Barkley who took the nitro win today and Colin Whelan who took the electric win.

JJ McCartan in the air