Navan Winter Championship is Back

Last weekend saw the start of racing back at Racers from around the country joined us again for the start of the Navan Winter Championship . The championship takes place over 10 rounds from October to March and will finish with a weekend Astro Masters event.

Sunday saw a difficult start with the weather delaying the start . Once started we got practice under way with a slightly shorter Quailfying series. Into the finals and in Ebuggy we had Denzell lead off in the final taking a commanding lead which he held onto till the end of the day. In Nitro it was Dylan who after issues in the heats started from 6th making it through the field and holding of from a strong field behind to finish up in 1st.

Next race day is November 6th , cya all for rd2 of the Championship.

Nitro Podium
Ebuggy Podium