NNN.ie Summer Championship Dates

The Navan Nitro Nuts Committee are happy to announce the Summer Championship dates for 2015. Following on from a successful Winter Championship and Astro Master this Championship is hotting up to be one of the most successful of all. SO get your Buggies ready and lets get Racing.

Summer Dates 2015

We plan to run 8 rounds with a spare date end of September and 5 from 8 to count because it’s summer and most people take holidays plus we’ve had a very busy Winters and Astro Masters.  We’d like to encourage all members to travel away to at least one event at another track (details to be finalised).  For the extra effort of going away to another track then we’ll give extra points (details also to be finalised).

Some other dates below to keep in mind as the PPR up in Banbridge is not to be missed and the national rounds take us north and south to all the national approved tracks.

1-8 Nats - Special Events & NNN events