Winter Championship Membership Deals

Winter Champs kick off in Navan next Sunday week 8th Nov – check all dates here.

Don’t forget special rates if you want to pay in advance.


Due to a request from a number of people we’ve put together some Special Winter Payment Deals on advance payments for Winter Championship race fees, Winter Membership & Reserved Pitting Space (spaces limited so book early). Send payment through PayPal to or pay on Nov 8th at First Round.

Deal 1. €120 = Winter Champs up front €65 (10 rounds normally €100), plus €25 membership (6 months special) plus indoor pitting (with power/light) €30 (normally €5 per round) but indoor pitting areas limited to first 8 to pay and full amount must to paid in advance.

Deal 2. €110 = Winter Champs up front €65 (10 rounds normally €100), plus €25 membership (6 months special) plus outdoor pitting (plug your own power lead in – lights provided) €20 (this just reserves a pitting space and saves you bringing gazebo etc.) – outdoor pitting areas also limited to first 8 to pay and full amount must to paid in advance.

Deal 3. €90 = Winter Champs up front €65 and winter M’Ship €25 – for those who don’t require pitting.

Deal 4. €65 = Winters Champs up front for current club members & book pits on the day when available. Indoor pits €5 and outdoor €3 (includes power/light).

Or members can simply Pay As You Race but membership must be paid on Nov 8th & €10 per day race fee – pits if available at rates in Deal 4.

ONE FINAL DEAL – for family members as we appreciate that we can have 2 or more from the same family so we are offering a further 10% off the Deal price per additional person. Also for a group of 3 or more paying on-line we’ll also offer 10% off so pull your finances and get all the money stuff out of the way and concentrate on your racing.

Non-members/visitors who want to race are very welcome (but don’t get points or free entries to Winter raffle) – race fee €15 and can only race in lowest finals with no bump ups.