Winter Champs 2013-14 First Round to be rescheduled

Navan Nitro Nuts held our first race day yesterday 27th Oct 2013 at our new upgraded facilities. The date originally planned as the First Round of the Winter Championships was cancelled after standing water refused to drain thanks to heavy rain fall over the past few weeks and heavy showers during yesterday.  A massive thanks to Jakub and Derek who led the team in sweeping and removing the water from a few stubborn spots on the track.  We managed to run 2 rounds of open practice for anyone willing to risk their electrics!

The new rostrum, club house and internal pitting areas all got their first experience of a race day and it was great to see such a great turn out, on what was otherwise a wet and miserable day.  Timing was everything if you were unlucky enough to be in the rostrum when the gusts of wind decided to push the roof water forward over the drivers area – stepping back on time meant you and your controller stayed dry!!.

Thanks for all the positive feedback and encouragement as the new facilities got inspected by drivers and visitors from all over the country.  We have more to do but it was great to have a new functioning race control with new MyLaps loop installed.  We are very much finished with the major construction thanks to a very dedicated team of members and contractors who made it all happen.

2013-14 Winter Dates as now as follows –

Oct 27th Open Practice from New Rostrum plus Winter 2012-13 Presentations & Raffle
Nov 10th Round 1 & Summer 2013 Championship Presentation
Nov 24th Round 2 & Zone GP
Dec 15th Round 3
Dec 28th/29th Christmas Open Day & Possible Official Opening of New Facilities
Jan 5th Round 4
Jan 19th Round 5
Feb 2nd Round 6
Feb 16th Round 7
Mar 2nd Round 8
Mar 23rd Round 9
Apr 6th Round 10

Yesterday also saw the presentation of the 2012-13 Winter Championship winners and the traditional raffle where we try to repay in part the great support we get from the drivers over the winter.  Third place went to Andrew White, with 591 points over 6 rounds, who took the podium position from Jason Noonan (who finished with 587 points) at a hard fought final round.  Jason then went on to win the 2013 Summer Championship.  Second place went to Barkley Abernethy, with 597 points, who won 3 of the rounds and came 2nd in 3 more and fought hard all the way through the championship keeping Bradley on his toes.  Bradley Baird took the top podium position having won 6 of the 10 rounds giving him a maximum 600 point score.

Bradley 1stBarkley 2ndAndrew 3rd

The Winter Champs Club Man trophy went to Rob Steen who ran 9 out of 10 rounds of the Winter Champs and 5 out of 6 of the Summer Championship showing his committment and dedication to the club.  Rob’s overall points meant he got himself a deserving 5th place behind the winners of the Summer Champs and “race director” and is well deserving of this prize.

Rob Club Man

The traditional Winter Champs Raffle passed off without incident although not everybody could win something those who did seemed pleased with top 3 prizes going to any member who had completed at least 6 of the 10 rounds.  Against all odds Bradley Baird picked up another 1st prize taking home a 1:16 CEN Monster Truck (sponsored by CEN Racing and TheBoss) – 2nd Prize, gallon of Pirana 25% nitro fuel (sponsored by the club) went to Conor Reilly & 3rd Prize of 3 Race Day Credits went to Paul Gilliland (sponsored by the club).  The remaining 4 prizes were open to anyone who ran at least one round and all prizes were sponsored by Oisin O’Briain & Derek Stewart. Thanks to everyone who took part and looking forward to another competitive Winter series.