Round 4 Winter Championship Dec 12th Canceled

  Lads sorry but no choice but to cancel again tomorrow and reschedule for next Sunday the 19th December. It will be our last chance to run a final round in 2010 and if the weather forecast is correct then we’ll have additional thawing until at least next Thursday and lets’ pray for no more snow!. Here’s a few photo’s from today and the new problem is the water that’s building up in all the low areas on the track as the snow melts. About 60% of the depth had melted by this morning but still a mountain of snow on the track and no where to put it!!!. Snow is still frozen to all tabletops but ground level snow was easy to remove but there’s tons of it and even if we cleared it (needing 10 to 20 people with proper shovels which we couldn’t buy anywhere!) then the

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